InBodying Our Soul Blueprint

Riviera Maya, Mexico November 2022

As One, we are extensions of the earth, ambassadors and stewards of nature.

We stand, feeling our roots connecting us to the pulse of life that courses throughout all of nature.

We breathe and move united in the coherent field of love and divinity with all that surrounds us.

We deeply connect to the eternal flow of life force in our bodies, as conduits for this sacred prana, mana to express itself in this world and all worlds.

We stand in our in-bodiment and empowerment for ourselves and for all beings everywhere.

We stand in all that we are as humble, evolving reflections of what we know to be truth.

Unified as one Human Family, we are here as answers to our ancestars prayers for collective revolution.

The time has come to re-member our power and our light. The time has come to liberate ourselves and our lineages of trauma that does not allow for our fullest expression and embodiment.

We know that our power lies in our capacity to recognize our sovereignty in the Here and Now and throughout time.

It is time to reignite this knowing and take sacred response-ability for our role in the liberation of our lineages.

We invite you to join us in this field of pure coherent, empowered divinity. In the field of One Frequency.

We are humbled and honored by the sacred land of the Yucatan, for holding us as we chose to Remember our divine nature and Embody Our Soul Blueprint.

Together we took a Deep Dive into the healing, reclamation, and unification of all aspects of self. Together we co created a field where our divinity was safe to be seen, felt, and heard. We bow to the courageous souls who heard the call and chose to show up for themselves and one another. May the magic continue to ripple through all space and time!

Join Us Next Time

If you are feeling called to join us, register below to be the first to receive information on our upcoming gatherings! It is our honor to connect with you!

Meet Your Divine Mirrors…

  • Tiffany Panhilason-Schmidt

    Experiencing near-death and re-birth experiences, physical and emotional traumas in her childhood, Tiffany’s somatic healing journey started at a very young age. She Re-Membered through Spirit, the Guardians and her Council of Elders forming a deep connection with Pure Source, seeing parallel lives, soul patterns and contracts, and helping people call back their soul fragments and power. It became clear that her path was being illuminated to be of service to the collective across all realms of existence. Through awakening to the Divine keys that guided her from living in trauma, to unlocking her voice that was repressed, to womb healing and transmuting and alchemizing her experiences back into the highest frequency of love, she is able to reflect Freedom and Liberation from the space of Eternal Love.

    Born with the gift of seeing through many planes of existence, timelines and dimensions simultaneously, Tiffany has dedicated lifetimes as a Quantum Energy Alchemist. She is passionate about her mission of being of service to every consciousness to discover their own unique soul blueprint and frequency. She continues to hold space for deep heart connections by activating the sacred codes within herSelf and in others to align to the golden frequencies of Pure Source through the Akashic Field, Multi-Dimensional Soundbath Journeys, Quantum Rei-Ki, Somatic Breathwork, Womb Healing and Energy Alchemy.

    "Divine Sacred One, What an honor to BE with you. Your Magic cannot be tamed. You carry the ancient and sacred codes within you. Reclaim your Power. Embody your Divine Sovereignty. I AM You. You are me. We are One. We are All. I Love You."

  • Kim Dudine

    Kim is a writer, energy healer, quantum communicator and multi-dimensional alchemist. She was born and raised in South Africa, where she was rooted deeply into soul resonance as a Keeper of the Earth and a bridge with and for the animal realm. When she was 18 years old, Kim went through a catalytic soul activation when her fiance was killed in the Iraq War. At 31, she has traversed every dark alley of grief and density in order to light the way for all souls wounded by the illusion of separation. As an archetypal wounded healer, she is here to activate your divine playful remembrance of our power to alchemize all with love. Her field has been described as “walking reiki” - and she invites all who enter her space to entrain to love over fear; lover over illusion; love over all. After deep plant medicine journeys, shamanic retrievals, and timeline traversing, Kim reflects the divine truth that Love is the Only Thing That is Real.

  • Katrina Woolridge

    Katrina’s journey began at a young age, feeling alien to the divisive and fractured way of life she witnessed. Her acceptance and will to live on earth were often clouded by the brokenness of humanity. Externally, she played a role, putting herself in a box that everyone else could accept. Internally, she questioned the nature of this reality. ‘What am I doing here? What is the purpose?”

    Plot Twist - There is so much purpose.

    A series of initiations guided Katrina to the path of healing and reclamation. With a foundation of shamanic principles, she began a journey of liberation and remembrance that gifted her the sanctuary of Oneness, of harmony, of unconditional love. It is in this space of all that is, where she thrives, where she feels the most purpose, the most fulfilment, the most embodied. This remembrance has paved the way for her to step into the full expression of divinity her soul carries, as a student of life - serving the evolution of consciousness.

    Katrina’s experience has allowed her to witness so many facets of humanity, growing a deeper understanding, a greater love and deeper reverence for each of us choosing to be here at this pivotal time. Her personal path of healing and evolution inspires her to create sanctuary for those on their own path of liberation.

    She is a visionary, an energetic alchemist, and facilitator of sacred space. She is a traverser of dimensions and an earth keeper, with a deep call to ignite the ancient wisdom seeded in ourselves, the earth, and beyond.

    May we walk together, surrounded by all that is, in love.

  • Mary Mallaney

    Mary is an artist, quantum energy alchemist and creator of transformative sacred space. With a cellular recognition of her multidimensionality, she identifies with be-ing the All. She is here to serve as a bridge between ancient gnosis and the New Earth paradigm we are creating together. Her dedication to embodying eternal love has lead her to embrace her role as an interdimensional warrior of light, medicine woman and steward of the wisdom that comes from our divine inherent Knowing.

    In many ways, her healing journey of Self-realization began the moment she was born into her body. She felt foreign to this world and society built upon pillars of separation, fear and control, and resisted the reality of living on Earth in her body for many years. For 20+ years of this life, she experienced chronic daily pain and dis-ease, which offered her countless opportunities to ignite her inner Warrior and Healer in order to move through the waves of experience and trauma. Along her path, the recognition of her gifts shifted everything, allowing her to understand and see her experiences with new perspectives that offered healing and solace through the compounded layers of pain she was experiencing and witnessing around her. She sees her mission of healing and alchemizing her inner wounding and illusory stories as a pure reflection of the work she is doing across all timelines and planes of reality. As she continues to embody her truest divinity and activate All aspects of her Self in the Here & Now, she is honored to hold the sacred space for others to re-member Truth alongside her.