The Mamos & Zaga of The Tayrona
an Activation with
We are navigating a rEvolution of Consciousness on earth. We are being called to take responsibility for our healing and come into right relation with the earth and one another for the continued creation of more harmonious realities.
As We Heal - The Earth Heals
As a COllective
pagamentOs for peace
Pagamentos are ceremonies in Nature the Tayrona people - Kogi, Wiwa, Arhuaco and Kankuamo tribes - do to heal and nourish Earth and the Planet. They call them Pagamentos (payments) to pay back Mother Nature and the Earth, and all that they provide for us humans.
It is rare that the Mamos & Zagas leave their sacred territory. Through the guidance of Mother Earth, they have agreed to journey to The States - Tending to the land, offering pagamentos to promote world peace, and sharing their perspective on Navigating this rEvolutionary time.
We are honored to welcome The Mamos and Zagas of The Tayrona for a 2-day activation at Oya New Earth in Brooklyn, NY on May 30 & 31st.
We deeply honor the traditions, practices, and wisdom preserved and held by these lineages of earth keepers. We recognize the importance of supporting our elders and their communities who dedicate their lives to the stewardship of the Earth.
the proceeds received will be allocated to The Mamos and Zagas to support their communities in Colombia.
IF you are unable to offer the full financial exchange to join us but feel the strong call to join - please reach out to us individually via email or instagram. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
WisdOM From our EldErs
The mountains of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta of Colombia are the sacred ancestral lands of Indigenous Peoples: the Kogi, Arhuaco, Wiwa, and Kankuamo. Together, they number over 30,000 people. The inhabitants share the belief that they are the guardians of the heart of the world. Their spiritual leaders are called Mamos.
The word Mamo means Enlightenment of both Good and Evil.
Mamos hold the Spiritual knowledge of their people and communicate directly with Mother Nature. They are trained from an early age to do Healings, Pagamentos, Ceremonies, and Divination. The word Mamo also means the Sun — as the sun of our solar system has the ability to illuminate all beings.
Mamos are the Counselors for their communities, and they perform all the important Ceremonies for their people such as: Weddings, Funeral Rites, Rites of Passage, and Baptisms. They are also the healers and the teachers of their communities.
Zagas are the female equivalents of Mamos. They are much more than just leaders; they represent the Light in the darkness.
The Zagas hold the Ancestral Wisdom for future generations. They move and behave in alignment with the rhythm of Nature and humanity. They are the Healers and hold the keys for the Water, the Earth and the Air elements - because of this the Zagas maintain the responsibility to sustain the Planet.
Zagas are multi-dimensional bridges who communicate freely with the other realms and are able to translate messages from the different kingdoms in Nature, as well as interpreting messages from dreams and the signs written in the landscape by Gaia.
pRivate HealinG
Thursday May 30th
the (3) Mamos and (1) Zaga work together as a Unit, making these private healing sessions a remarkable weaving of intention. Through divination, personal pagamentos, and other healing modalities specific to the healer - these holistic treatments are intended to clear dis-ease and bring harmony to the body, mind, and spirit. Sessions will last about an hour.
Womb healing will also be offered by Zaga Josefina - and incorporates massage among other healing techniques applied by the healer.
For those desiring womb healing, please specify upon request.
Private Sessions will be held at
oya new earth museum
465 Van brunt st., brooklyn ny
spaces for private healings are very limited
GrOup ActivatiOn
Oya new earth museum
465 Van brunt st.
brooklyn ny
Friday May 31
Join the Mamos & Zagas for a Powerful Ceremony of Unification!
Our journey will begin with a unique cacao circle of the sweet word led by Florencia Fridman followed by a Group Healing & Pagamento and workshop dive into Navigating Discernment in a Spiritual rEvolution with the elders.
We will conclude the ceremony with a unified drum & dance - Instruments (drums, rattles, etc) are encouraged!
Doors Open
Welcome Unification
Cacao Ceremony with Florencia Fridman & One Frequency
Ceremony with Mamos
Collective Heartbeat
unified drum & dance (bring your instruments!)
Like the sacred waters, we remain open to the organic flow - allowing the Mamos and Zaga to weave this ceremony in relation to the energy of the group.
about our opening unification cacao circle
The circle of the sweet word is an ancestral technology that has been practiced by ancient traditions and indigenous communities since the beginning of time to communicate the living wisdom expressed from the sweetness of the heart.
it is a space guided by the elders & ancestral knowledge where everyone becomes an active participant through listening and speaking the language of the heart. These circles activate a path of hope, where new seeds germinate through conversation and thought, to weave an understanding of the materialization of sacred knowledge.
about the pagamentos & workshop
Pagamentos are ceremonial payments to Mother Earth as a way to honor all that nature offers us as humans. Guided by the Mamos & Zaga, we will offer a Pagamento together based upon our unique collective energy. During this ceremony, each participant will also receive personal healing through the energetic work of the Elders.
the workshop will be a sharing/transmission of knowledge. Join the Elders of the Sierra Nevada in discussion about how we can embody our sense of discernment, so we may recognize how we are uniquely being called to contribute to this Collective Shift, and which paths will create more Unification in these transformative times.
IF you are unable to offer the full financial exchange to join these opportunities but feel the strong call to join -- please reach out to us individually via email or instagram. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
The Mamos
Mamo Atilio is an Arhuaco Mamo and comes from a family of Mamos and Zagas. He is a teacher with a deep knowledge of Sacred Materials. Sacred Materials are the natural materials they used to offer Pagamentos for Nature and the Earth. This requires an extensive knowledge of plants, animals and minerals, as well as experience in order to choose the specific material that matches the type of Pagamento or Ceremony they are performing.
He has the proper authorizations from the Spiritual Fathers of the Mineral kingdom to carry rocks, Tumas (Pre-Columbian, Ancestral pieces of Quartz) and all sorts of crystals in large quantities to perform Ceremonies/Pagamentos. Mamo Atilio is also a Spiritual lawyer and a musician who plays Ancestral Songs of the Arhuaco nation.
Mamo Atilio
Mamo Cencio is a Kogi Mamo who is a botanist with an extensive knowledge of the native species of the Sierra. He is also a teacher of Medicinal plants for the Kogis. As a doctor of Ancestral Medicine he is constantly traveling to distant villages in Kogi territory to take care of his people. He offers his services as a doctor, priest, counselor and Spiritual leader for a large group of people who are living in a wide
area of the Kogi territory in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta. He is also a musician who plays different Tayrona musical instruments and teaches his people the Ancestral songs of the Kogi Nation.
He is authorized to use the Jatuquá which is a sacred method of Divination by water.
MamO CenCiO
Mamo Sewigu Kakamukwa (Mamo Rodrigo) comes from a lineage of Mamos that goes beyond his great-great-grandfather, his family comes from the Kakamukwa lineage and there has been Mamos in his family in every single generation. Mamo Sewigu (Mamo Rodrigo) was an educator and a leader of his community before receiving his Segwa at the head of the Jerez River when being ordained as a Mamo. Mamo Sewigu is not only a Mamo, but he was a Maestro first.
Mamo Sewigu was the teacher who opened the first bilingual School in 2007 inside the Reservation to teach basic Spanish and Math, as well as their Traditional Knowledge, to prevent the youngsters to leave the Reservation while preserving their Cultural Identity. He has also worked for the Colombian Public Health Department during Public Health campaigns. His knowledge of Spanish, Kogi, Wiwa Indigenous languages as well as the Wiwa/Kogi territory enables him to act in the capacity of an intercultural bridge.
MamO ROdrigO
The Zaga
As it is the case for most Zagas, Zaga Josefina was chosen by divination when her mother was pregnant and began her training from birth. Zaga Josefina plays a
important role in her community, she is responsible to guide and educate the girls during their various rites of passage, such as a girl’s first menstruation, giving birth, etc.
She is a teacher and a counselor for her community. Zaga Josefina is a Priestess, a medicine woman, a botanist, a midwife, a massage therapist, a weaver, a storyteller, an adviser, a seer, a diviner, a musician, and an Elder. Besides her normal functions as a Priestess which includes officiating weddings and Baptisms as well as administer Funeral Rites.
Zaga Josefina specializes in clearing the energy field of people by different means: aguarrinchi and Frailejon and preparing talismans or “seguranzas” which are power objects that will protect the person who wears them. Zaga Josefina as a Clay pot maker was given the special authorization to heal certain physical conditions.
Zaga JOsefina
This is a true cOmmUnity effOrt, and we are so grateful for our partners
if you’d like to see more of these powerful collaborations, please show your support! Donations for this project are fiscally sponsored by Weaving Worlds Inc. All donations are distributed to the mamos and contribute to the planning, housing, meals, and so much more that goes into facilitating these events.