It is our honor to co-create in the Unified Heart Field with the sacred land of the Mojave Desert and our Soul Family

Join us in unified presence for a One Day Immersion in Joshua Tree, CA. Regenerate and re-member with the Medicines of the Earth and heart centered commUnity.

Saturday - Day Long Group Immersion

Sunday - Individual Ceremony Opportunities


  • Click on any of the Sacred Yes buttons on this page that will allow you to check out and enter your payment information through PayPal. Wi deeply appreciate and honor you investing in yourSelf!

    To fully secure your space in the circle, we ask you to fill out an additional form. This will be emailed to you following your payment.

    If you would like support in your self-investment through an Inpowerment Plan, please let us know through email at and we can discuss possibilities.

  • This experience will include time Being and journeying in the Joshua Tree National Park, as well as at our sanctuary. Temperatures will fluctuate throughout the day- so be sure to be prepared for strong Sun as well as desert chill at night. We recommend bringing a sizable refillable water bottle with you as well as a hat, shoes fit for hiking/walking in the park, and a snack.

    You are also more than welcomed to bring any sacred items that are calling to Be a part of this experience- crystals, altar pieces, jewelry, etc. This Ceremony will truly be Collective Co-Creation of all our energies & the Earth. Additionally, if you are someone who feels supported by journaling, be sure to bring that with you for integration time.

    When we return back to the Sanctuary, we will have the opportunity to injoy time in the water- in an outdoor pool or shower. If you´d like to bring a swimsuit for this reason please feel free!

  • Yes! We will be injoying a nourishing, grounding meal as One at our sanctuary after we land from the Park. We encourage you to bring a snack & plenty of water with you for our time in the park, should you feel the need. We also will have delicious beverages & bites for you to injoy at the sanctuary in addition to our meal.

    All meals & snacks will include vegan, gluten free and nut-free options.

  • We deeply acknowledge the necessity of proper approach & integration of Ceremony.

    Before we gather as One physically, we will be connecting to each of you through a Heart Connection Call so as to officially open the space together- to hear where you are on your journey and what (y)our intentions & prayers are going into this Collective Ceremony.

    We have intentionally crafted space into our flow together during the weekend for integration as well. Following our time in the Park, we will all come back to our sanctuary space for a few hours to ground the energy from our activations of the day- injoying a nourishing meal together, the amenities at the sanctuary (outdoor pool, outdoor glam tent, shower, hammocks, etc.) and more time connecting and sharing in commUnity. We plan to gather around a fire at the house to complete our time together and close the ceremony space.

    Following this weekend, we will reach out to connect and check in with each other as all processes & integrates.

    For those who are called into additional private healing sessions on Friday and/or Sunday, support will of course be offered for those journeys as well.

  • Saturday 4/13 is our day-long communal Immersion, beginning at 10.30AM in the JTNP and ending around 7PM at our sanctuary. We will be gathering as a powerful collective to re-member as One.

    Sunday 4/14 is an optional space for deeper Immersion, should you feel the heart call to offer yourself more individualized, intimate space to receive and remember with us. Our temple space will be open to facilitate various offerings on that day, in a 1 and 1 and/or One setting with you. All offerings on this day will be an additional energetic, financial exchange based upon what is received.

    The space will be open in the morning into late afternoon for these Ceremonies.

  • We will be offering a variety of services in both individual (1 and 1 and/or 4 and 1) containers and group containers, should a number of people all be called to the same experience and open to group unification.

    Some of the options are:

    Bodywork with Quantum Energy/Rei-Ki

    Kambo Ceremony- microdose or full journey

    4 and 1 Immersion Session

    Sacred Tobacco Ceremony

    Womb Healing

    & more (breathwork, sound journey)

    Each ceremony/session is an additional exchange, unique to the offering.

    You can let us know which offerings of these are calling you in the form we will email you as a part of your Sacred Yes, or at a later time as the Immersion approaches if you would like to feel deeper into your own resonance after you submit your Yes.

  • You have options in terms of signing up.

    If you know you are called and interested in returning to the Temple Space on Sunday when you submit your Sacred Yes- there is a field in the form we will email you where you can let us know this. We ask you what times align best for you, and what kinds of sessions/ceremonies are calling you.

    If you are unsure whether you are going to want to continue our unification together, you also can let us know as the Immersion gets closer- or even after our time together on Saturday if there is still availability for the next day .

  • Yes, soul family! We encourage you to feel into your own resonance. Should you just be called to a more individualized, intimate container, we welcome you to reach out to us at Wi are happy to connect and see how wi may support each other in space. Let us know if there are any sessions/ceremonies in particular calling you.

  • There will not. Instead, we are offering to connect soul family members joining the Immersion that are open to sharing a space together following our time together on Saturday. We hope to create bridges within our commUnity so that you feel supported in your decision to sleep over in the desert should that feel most nourishing to you.

    If you are interested in pursuing this option- please let us know when you submit your Sacred Yes (either through email, or through the field in the Sacred Yes form).