A ReuniOn Of Remembrance
In 2020, Mary, Katrina, Kim and Tiffany each followed the soul calling to journey into the sacred vortex of Mount Shasta, California. Upon meeting, an instantaneous and inexplicable connection activated a cataclysmic shift in each One of us. It is here we re-lit the flame of our remembrance and opened ourselves to the exploration of our multidimensional connection and the unified field that would become One Frequency.
Our layered, multidimensional, and unconditional bonds of support and true love for one another across all realms continuously activates deep remembrances of our sacred partnership and mission as One at this time. In each others presence and sisterhood, we empower ourselves and all beings to reunite with their indelible sovereignty, deep wisdom, unimaginable power, and untouchable divinity.
We bow with reverence to you, beautiful human, who chose to incarnate with us at a time of such a seismic shift in our evolution.
Fractals of One Frequency
Tiffany Panhilason-Schmidt
Weaving consciousness and BEing in service with the eternal, Tiffany is a peaceful warrior of light and medicine woman. Here on earth dedicated to the path of soul embodiment and re-membrance, Tiffany is a ceremonialist holding sacred space as an interdisciplinary heArtist offering Somatic Breathwork, Sound Journey, Dance and Vocal Liberation, Womb Healing, Akashic Reflections and Quantum Energy Alchemy.
Through her rite of passage initiations with various death and rebirth experiences, overcoming emotional and physical traumas from her childhood and shadow work, Tiffany's somatic journey started at a young age. Working in synergy with the guardians, the anceStars, the wisdom keepers, plant allies and the elements, Tiffany is passionate about her mission to awaken our sacred heart and organic prEssence through harmonious connection and transformational journeys.
"May we hold sacred space for our Self and one another as we journey back hOMe to our innate wisdom and hold the process with reverence and compassion. May we all be free to anchor in our magic, peace and love onto Earth. I see you. I honor you. I celebrate you. I Love You."
Kim Dudine
Kim is a writer, energy healer, quantum communicator and multi-dimensional alchemist. She was born and raised in South Africa, where she was rooted deeply into soul resonance as a Keeper of the Earth and a bridge with and for the animal realm. When she was 18 years old, Kim went through a catalytic soul activation when her fiance was killed in the Iraq War. At 31, she has traversed every dark alley of grief and density in order to light the way for all souls wounded by the illusion of separation. As an archetypal wounded healer, she is here to activate your divine playful remembrance of our power to alchemize all with love. Her field has been described as “walking reiki” - and she invites all who enter her space to entrain to love over fear; lover over illusion; love over all. After deep plant medicine journeys, shamanic retrievals, and timeline traversing, Kim reflects the divine truth that Love is the Only Thing That is Real.
Katrina is an architect of energetic harmony with a soul calling for creating and infusing sacred spaces. she is a devotee to the beauty way, a student of earth, a weaver of frequency and an earth medicine carrier.
Katrina’s experience in life’s curriculum has offered her a multidimensional perspective of the human experience - as someone who actively resisted being on earth for much of her youth. through the initiations of choosing life, came a deeper understanding and greater love for each of us choosing to be here now.
her initiatory journey guided her to the shamanic path where she met her first mentor, eve lee, and began her own journey of healing, reclamation, and remembrance. the shamanic path ignited a deeper connection with the realm of spirit and her souls mission of service to the evolution of consciousness.
Katrina continues to be a student of ancient wisdom, learning from elders of North America, South America, and Africa - as well as serving her communities in the central united states. She works closely with the Grids, Sound and Frequency, and Stagnation in the Human Body. She is a passionate about keeping these sacred traditions alive in accessible ways, so all beings may be empowered to remember their divinity.
Her personal path of healing and expansion inspires her to create sanctuary for those on their own path of liberation and remembrance.
Katrina Woolridge
Maria Mallaney
Maria / Mary is a Creator of loving and transformative ceremonial spaces. She would describe herself as a human on the Spiral Journey of Mastery, a Person of Prayer, a Medicine Carrier and a Steward of eternal love. She is here to serve as a bridge between ancient gnosis of the Earth & Cosmos and the New Earth paradigm we are creating together.
Her healing journey of Self-realization began the moment she was born into her body. For 20+ years of this life, she experienced chronic daily pain and dis-ease, which offered her countless opportunities to ignite her inner Warrior Healer and acted as an initiatory path. The recognition of her innate and unrealized gifts shifted her entire reality, allowing her to understand her experiences with new perspectives that offered healing, solace and inpowerment through the compounded layers of pain she was experiencing and witnessing around her.
She sees her mission of alchemizing illusory stories within her own and collective fields as a pure reflection of the work happening across the Quantum Fabric of Life. As she continues to inbody (her) organic Essence and unify in the Here & Now, she is honored to hold sacred space for others to re-member Truth alongside her. She prays to empower others to believe in their pure natures and unique fractal expression of the divine so we may all continue to Rise as One Human Family.