Virtual Offerings

11/1 - 6pst/9est.

Join us in a special ceremonial gathering as One to honor this powerful passage that is revered throughout traditions around the world as a time when we are deeply connected to our Ancestors. We will be creating space to intentionally, reverently connect to our inpowered Ancestral Guardians & Guides and allow processes of illumination, transformation and liberation to take place. Our lineage wants to work with and through us for the evolution and ascension of Reality- we are simply asked to answer their calls. We all carry deeply powerful wisdom from our ancestors within us that is waiting to be re-membered.

In this virtual ceremony, we will be working with the medicine of water as an ally in our process of illumination and transformation. BYOT, bring your own tea family!

This circle is loving donation-based, with an exchange of $33. If you are feeling the heart call to join but feel unable to offer the full exchange, please reach out to us as our prayer is for all to join who resonate with the offering.

Walking Between Worlds Ceremony

A Note for this Gathering:

It is said that we have the power to pray for 7 generations ¨backwards and forwards¨ in time when we do so in a true, Good Way - so what are we praying for? What are we liberating on behalf of our lineage? We Are the answered prayers of our ancestors, just as we Are the ancestors of our future generations. All illumination and liberation that takes place within us effects our lineage beyond our comprehension. We have the power to transform not only our realities but those of our loved ones, our lineage, and on a great scale the Human Race when we re-member the Ancestral Wisdom within us.

October Solar Eclipse Ceremony

10/15 6pm pst | 9pm est

Join us in a ceremonial gathering as One to honor the first Eclipse of this powerful, transformative Passageway being cosmically created at this time on our planet. We will Be in communion and prayer with Mama Gaia, receiving the wisdom and guidance she emanates throughout her energetic grids. We will connect to places of the Earth that are calling us at this time, receive clarity around the pathways available to us moving forward, and nourish ourSelves with commUnity in shared heart space.

Throughout our time in circle, we will be working with the medicine of water as an ally in our process of illumination and transformation. BYOT, bring your own tea or infused water family!

This circle is loving donation-based, with an exchange of $33. If you are feeling the heart call to join but feel unable to offer the full exchange, please reach out to us as our prayer is for all to join who resonate with the offering.

A Note for this Gathering:

The crystalline grid of the Earth is a living ecosystem of information & light that connects and circulates energy throughout the planet. The grid works as a Whole, with different places on the Earth carrying different frequencies, or serving different roles as a part of the Greater Grids. As we connect deeper with Gaia, we may find ourselves drawn inexplicably to certain places on the Earth- this is because we are being called to interact with the frequency & information those places energetically carry. We also may be called to infuse that particular grid with our frequency in order to bring about Greater Harmony within the grid as a whole. We also may feel the Knowing that we are meant to travel or move somewhere else on the grid but not have full clarity as to where. This is also a soul calling between Gaia and ourselves. In time, and through intention & prayer, the Way ahead will become clear to us.

Autumn Equinox Virtual Gathering

9/24 9am pst | 12pm est

Join us in a virtual ceremonial gathering as One to honor this potent Equinox Passage. Create space for inner reflection, receive clarity around the choice points available to shape your path in these Nows, and connect with commUnity in shared heart space.

Wi will be utilizing the medicine of tea and Lotus as allies in our process of illumination and transformation. BYOT, bring your own tea family!

Circle is loving donation-based, structured in three tiers based upon your ability to offer financial exchange for our time together- $11, $22 and $33. Those offering $33 exchange will also receive a recorded meditation to support their integration of our circle and the Equinox Gateway.

4 and 1 Immersion

Drop into the Frequency of One

Designed for those being called to balance and reactivate their energetic field with purpose, love and discernment. Join us for a multi-sensory, multidimensional energetic experience curated for your personal transformation. These immersions can be likened to a rebirth- full of renewal, regeneration and awakening to your organic, true nature and way of Being, in-bodied. We will create & facilitate transformative quantum energetic processes that include sound and in-bodyment journeys that support each individual’s highest and deepest healing.

Immersions last between 1-2 hours, and can be done in-person or virtually.