As One
We support the organic evolution of consciousness through Ceremonial journeys of expansion and transformation. Our mission is to illuminate and activate pathways of remembrance to support individual and collective empowerment.
As stewards of Earth, we listen closely to the call of the land - allowing all journeys to develop through organic guidance.
journeys as one are curated with the utmost care and intention to empower your evolution far beyond the conclusion of the experience.
The unique experience of One Frequency
As Four individuals, we are versed in many lineages and modalities of healing. Each woman bringing forward her unique medicine to ignite a remembrance within. together we maintain a harmonized field that can offer deeper presence, fuller perspective, and brighter illumination.
As One, we intuitively pull upon our vast well of knowledge based upon the needs of those we are working with. Through deep listening we attune ourselves to the land and participants to provide safe and coherent containers for connection and remembrance.
fOur in One
featured jOurneys
SYMBIOSIS mt. shasta, California august 8-2024
Calling You, light being - journey home to a space of symbiotic relation, co-creation, and unification. This 5 night gathering is curated to awaken and nurture the innate connection between our inner and outer worlds. with the support of the 8/8 gateway we invite you to embark on a multidimensional journey of connection.
New Earth | AnciiEnt Future Dominican republic november 7-11 2024
For the conduits, way showers, realm Bridgers, and dimensional weavers - welcome to new earth | ancient future! Unlock the codes awaiting you in the pristine lands of the Dominican Republic. From nature attunements and ceremonial journeys to waterfall excursions and poolside song circles - We are calling forward your prEssence!
Heart Shares
The heart of our mission beats through collaboration. Connect with us to see how We can expand the vision - sending ripples of unity far and wide.
festivals & Events
we are soul honored to be in community with like-hearted soul family to walk this journey beside.
together, we will co-create opportunities to embody our organic, most expanded, vibrant and powerful selves. we are ready to step into new earth realities as reflections of unified empowerment with you.
indigenous representation
We recognize and honor the wisdom keepers, guardians, and stewards who have humbly preserved and shared their traditions on behalf of the collective evolution.
it is our mission to continue the support of our elders, their communities, and the earth through collaborative events and journeys.
corporate wellness
the earth is calling for us to re-member and reclaim the power that comes from our unification in the heart field, this bridging, in our here & now.
we welcome those that are ready to experience quantum reclamation, liberation and re-membrance. we are soul honored and excited to welcome you into this empowering journey as one frequency.
Mount Shasta, California.
Our Story.
In 2020, Mary, Katrina, Kim and Tiffany were each drawn into the sacred vortex of Mount Shasta, California where an instantaneous and inexplicable connection activated a cataclysmic shift in each One of us. It is here we re-lit the flame of our remembrance and opened ourselves to the exploration of our multidimensional connection and the unified field that would become One Frequency